In partnership with the Highland Hospice Helping Hands service, Black Isle Cares offers a befriending service. The befriending service offers support to individuals in the community who feel lonely or isolated. Under this service, individuals will be matched with a volunteer befriender who will visit regularly to offer practical and social support. The service is free of charge and runs with the help of volunteer befrienders. All volunteer befrienders are trained through the Highland Hospice Helping Hands program and will need to successfully pass full PVG checks.
Please get in touch with our project coordinator at or 07720 168266 if you are interested in volunteering with this service, would like to use the service or if you know of someone who may benefit from befriending.

Volunteering is a hugely rewarding experience and if you have some time to spare, then we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to get in contact with us if you have any questions. Our befriending service volunteering form can be found below: