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Black Isle Cares was established in 2015 to support some of the more vulnerable members of our local community by identifying local needs and barriers and working to address these through the provision of services and effective partnership working. Alongside our Meals at Home service, we run a Befriending Service, community garden project, Sharing Shed and intergenerational activities with the local schools.
For more information, please contact us on

07548 343375 or via



Anne McDonald (Chair)

I’ve worked in the voluntary sector for over 30 years; in the areas of information, advocacy, community development and management.  Lots of experience in accessing and managing funding, meeting charitable requirements and involvement, consultation and evaluation activities.  I am passionately committed to finding ways of lessening inequality, and in promoting and enabling inclusion in all areas. My current passion is inter-generational engagement, seeing the impact that this can have on everyone involved.

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I moved to the Black Isle in 2000, brought up my family here and looking forward to growing old here – hopefully with good care services in place!  I love walking up hills and swimming in the lochs and sea.

Jeyne Monckton

I’m Jenye Monckton and I’ve lived on The Black Isle for nearly 35yrs with my husband and family. 

Our 4 children were born here and went to the local schools as well as various youngsters that we have fostered. 

I’ve been involved with BIC since its early days and was one of the first batch of trustees. I deliver Meals on Wheels at various times and help with the Intergenerational projects and the Thursday afternoon Mix & Mingle sessions.


I also volunteer with the BIC Community Larder, in Fortrose. I’ve seen BIC go from strength to strength and survive the Covid pandemic, along the way. All the volunteers are amazing and generous with their time and the support in the community is heartwarming.

Freida McKenzie

Farming at Muirton, Munlochy since 1976. I have been a Trustee for the last 7 years and volunteer with both the Meals at Home and Befriending services. I also play a big part in the events and fundraising too. 

Ian McNamara

Trustee Highland Senior Citizens Nework. Main interest is the provision of Adult Social Care, especially the quality of Resiential Care and Home Care.

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Margaret Rhynas

A trustee with Black Isle Cares for 4 years.  Started working at Fortrose Academy 20 years ago as a teacher of Business Education, and still here, currently Acting Depute.  Enjoy working with the students to help organise intergenerational activities for the community. 

Simon Cole-Hamilton

Edinburgh born, but saw reason and moved to the Highlands in 1977.

Background in Engineering, Accountancy, and Business Leadership.

Involved in lots of charities and voluntary organisations. Living in North Kessock.


Become a trustee

Black Isle Cares always welcomes interest from anyone who would like to become a trustee. For more information, please contact the office at 07548 343375 or We look forward to hearing from you!




Black Isle Cares (BIC) – Fair Work First Policy – from 1 July 2023

Payment of at least the real Living Wage

  • BIC will pay all staff whether full time or part time at least the real Living Wage.

  • All UK-based staff aged 16 and over, including apprentices, who are directly employed by the grant recipient, will be paid at least the real Living Wage; and any UK-based workers who are not directly employed but are directly engaged in delivering the grant-funded activity, whether they be sub-contractors or agency staff, will also be paid at least the real Living Wage.


Appropriate channels for effective workers' voice

  • Recognising that BIC is a micro-organisation where all employees and agency workers are in close contact with their employers (the Trustees) on a daily basis it may not be appropriate to have collective agreements in place

  • All workers employed within BIC including agency workers shall have access to effective voice channels at individual level which shall be maintained at all times.

  • All workers shall have open access to the trustees at any time, and to the Office Bearers including Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair.

  • BIC encourages an open exchange of views between workers and trustees – indeed we consider this is essential for the effective operation of BIC and for our workers.


Real Living Wage and effective workers' voice conditionality in the supply chain

  • BIC recognises that conditions to pay at least the real Living Wage and provide effective workers' voice in public sector grants can be applied not just to a grant recipient but down through a supply chain.

  • Where BIC uses public sector grant funding to procure services from another third or private sector organisation, and workers from that organisation are directly involved in delivery of the grant-funded activity, BIC will follow the flow chart at Annex A of the Bute House Agreement.

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